2023 Annual exhibition in NYC
Our invitation to the 2022 exhibition opening
annual Women Street Photographers, april 2022
79 photographers from 20 countries:
Adrienne Hutchings/Alejandra Lopez Zaballa/Alicia Haber/Amy Horowitz/Anna Biret/Annette Lang/Belen Garcia Alcat/Britta Kohl-Boas/Carin van der Donk/Chaithra Yadavaraj/Charlotte Stone/Colleen Cavanaugh/Concha de la Rosa Francés/Dafna Yosha/Dagmar Schwelle/Danielle L Goldstein/Deb Achak/Deb Fong/Debrani Das/Dee Dwyer/Dominique Misrahi/Donna Kross/Efrat Sela/Ela Opatowiecka/Elaine Norman/Emily Renier/Erica Lansner/Eva Mallis/France Leclerc/Francesca Forquet/Francesca Magnani/Gabriela/Cervantes Melgoza/Gabrielle Motola/Gwen Julia/Haneen kareem/Hazel Hankin/Heather Joy Milne/Heike Frielingsdorf/Héloïse de Nantes/Henny Garfunkel/Isabel Miranda/Jana Estocinova/Jean Ross/Jill Maguire/Jill Waterman/Joanna Madloch/Judith Krasinski/Kantaya New/Karen Zusman/Kerry Faulkner/Laura Fontaine/Loren Kaye/Lou Gilbert/Lynne Kaplan/Lynnette Blanche/Mania De Praeter/Maria Daniel Balcazar/Maria Ricossa/Martha/Gabriela Driessen/Melissa O'Shaughnessy/Merja Varkemaa/Michal Temkin Martinez/Michelle Cheikin/Mojgan Jafary/Nina Weinberg Doran/Nina Welch-Kling/Ninia Sabadze/Orna Naor /Priscilla Falcon Moeller/Randy Matusow/Robin Venturelli/Rose Vandepitte/Sandra Cattaneo Adorno/Sigrid Debusschere/Sonia Goydenko/Sunny Sofia Quintero Ortega/Xenia Petrovska/Ximena Echague/Zer Erdoğan
annual Women Street Photographers
exhibition in New York City, december 11-28, 2020
Curated by Gulnara Samoilova
Alexandra Avlonitis/Anat Shushan/Andrea Torrei/Anna Biret/Anna Jast/Anne Tapler White/Annette Lang/Annu Esko/Arielle Shannon/B Jane Levine/Barbara Colbert/Belinda Corney/Billur Ulku/Carol Dronsfield//Catherine Matthys/Charlotte Stone/Chiara Leoni/Cince Johnston/Colleen Cavanaugh/Danielle L Goldstein/Deb Achak/Deborah Cole/Debrani Das/Dominique Misrahi/Elena Alexandra/Eleonore Simon/Emily Sanchez/Erica Reade/Fanny Genoux/Farnaz Damnabi/France Leclerc/Hazel Hankin/Heather Solomon/Jana Estocinova/Karen Ghostlaw Pomarico/Karen Zusman/Katarzyna Krzyżanowska/Katerina Christina/Laura Reid/Linda Hacker/Lopamudra Talukdar/Lou Gilbert/Lucia Buricelli/Margarita Mavromichalis/Maria Belen Garcia Alcat/Marketa Cermak/Maude Bardet/Mavis CW/Melissa Breyer/Melissa O'Shaughnessy/Merja Varkemaa/Michelle Rick/Nancy Fleming/Nancy Oliveri/Nanda Bayler/Naomi Ngoc Do/Niki Gleoudi/Nina Welch-Kling/Ora Buerkli/Orna Naor/Pamela Fricke/Patty Jansen/Rebecca Wiltshire/Regula Tschumi/Rose Vandepitte/Sandra Cattaneo Adorno/Sandra Jetton/Sandy Alpert/Sigrid Debusschere/Sofia Sebastian/Sonia Goydenko/Suan Lin/Suhitha Shetty/Susan Schiffer/Susanne Grether/Syndi Pilar/Toh Ee Siew/Tracey Suba/Valérie SIX/Vanessa R Kessler/Vicki Windman/Virginia Hines/Ximena Echague/Yael Gadot/Zer Erdogan.
digital projection:
Sandra Fine/Ana Paula Di Berardo/Beth Caron/Betty Goh/Dzesika Devic/Ellen Friedlander/Fernanda Gándara/Filipa Leite Rosa/Gloria Salgado Gispert/Hana Fialova/Inge Colijn/Julie Grace Immink/Julie Kerbel/Karen Schlotke/Lauren Spencer Gayeski/Lil Steinberg/Lynne Ellen Kaplan/Mai-Chau Nguyen/Maria Ricossa/Marianna Troeva/Marina Bulduk/Marina Volskaya-Nikitina/Martine Lanser/Nataša Tvrdinić/Never Edit/Pelin Guven/Sara Messinger/Ushi Grant/Xenia Petrovska/Yadira Perez/Simonetta Cavazza
patti fogarty grant winners:
First place US$500 awarded to Regula Tschumi @regulatschumi
Second place US$300 awarded to Andrea Torrei @andreatorrei
Third place will US$150 awarded to Farnaz Damnabi @farnazdamnabi
The grant money was contributed by local NYC women street photographers (see the list below) and Mark Fogarty.
Danielle Goldstein @dgold911
Melissa O'Shaughnessy @melissaoshaughnessy
Dominique Misrahi@dominique_nyc
Melissa Breyer @melbreyer
Emily Sanchez @emily.sujay
Colleen Cavanaugh @colleencavanaughphoto
Nina Welch-Kling @NinaKling
Linda Hacker @stretchhack
Nancy Moon @nancymoon
Lauren Welles @laurenwelles
Sonia Goydenko @soniagoydenko
Gulnara Samoilova @gulnara_nyc
annual Women Street Photographers, DECEMBER 2019
Our invitation to the 2018 exhibition opening
annual Women Street Photographers, DECEMBER 2018
The title wall
Ground floor gallery
Lower level of the gallery
Exterior of Artspace PS109 and the entrance to the galleries
Founding in 2017 by award-winning photographer Gulnara Samoilova, Women Street Photographers is an online and in-person community providing support and amplifying the work of for women artists from all races, ethnicities, creeds, generations, abilities, and sexual and gender identities around the world today.
Designed to expand commonly held notions of street photography by adopting an inclusive, expansive, non-traditional approach, Women Street Photographers provides platforms to showcase the work of amateur and professional photographers alike, including an Instagram feed, @WomenStreetPhotographers, website, traveling exhibitions, artist residency, inspirational film series, and photography book, Women Street Photographers (Prestel, 2021).
With 40 years combined experience as a documentary and street photographer, artist, darkroom printer, photojournalist, and photo editor for the Associated Press, Samoilova uses her experience and expertise to create visibility for women street photographers and empower them to follow their passion. In 2020, documentary and street photographer Ximena Echague (@ximena_echague) joined Women Street Photographers as ambassador, curator, jury and mentor.
Gulnara Lyabib Samoilova @gulnara.samoilova is a photographer, author, and the founder of Women Street Photographers. With 40 years combined experience as a documentary and street photographer, artist, darkroom printer, photojournalist, and photo editor, Gulnara transformed the successful Instagram feed, @WomenStreetPhotographers, into a platform for women photographers from around the globe, launching a website, traveling exhibitions, artist residency, inspirational film series, and photography book, Women Street Photographers (Prestel, 2021).
A former Associated Press photojournalist, Gulnara received national and international awards for her iconic photographs of September 11, including first prize in the World Press Photo competition and nomination for the Pulitzer Prize by the AP. Gulnara’s work is a part of major collections such as the Museum of the City of New York, The New York Public Library, New York Historical Society, and Houston Museum of Fine Arts. She holds a certificate in creative practices from the International Center of Photography and lives in New York City. Her personal website is www.gulnara.com
El Barrio’s Artspace PS109 is a community-driven project which has transformed an abandoned public school building in East Harlem into an arts facility with 89 units of affordable live/work housing for artists and their families and 10,000 square feet of complementary space for arts organizations.
PS109 is an impressive building. Designed by Charles B.J. Snyder and completed in 1898, this structure is five stories tall with a steeply pitched roof. Exterior details include several copper-clad cupolas and a wealth of decorative terra cotta.
PS109 contains 89 units of affordable live/work housing for artists and their families with 3,000 square feet available for a resident gallery in addition to 10,000 square feet of non-residential space for arts and cultural organizations on the ground floor and lower level.
Artspace is non-profit organization that uses the tools of real estate development to create affordable, appropriate places where artists can live and work. They consistently develop these projects in ways that also support more stable, healthy communities anchored in existing assets. Because Artspace owns each of the projects it develops, they are able to ensure that they remain affordable and accessible to artists in perpetuity. Over the last three decades, Artspace has led an accelerating national movement of artist-led community transformation. With headquarters in Minneapolis and offices in Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Seattle and Washington D.C., Artspace is America’s leading developer of arts facilities and has served as a consultant to hundreds of communities and arts organizations nationwide.
If you would like to sponsor the exhibitions please let us know by contacting us at hello@womenstreetphotographers.com